Hundred Acre Missives

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Sunday, May 22, 2005

A Hum on the Heffalump Conundrum

My dear friend Piglet...

I've sat and thought
In my thoughtful spot
All throughout the afternoon.
I was sure if I thought
In my thoughtful spot
I would find an answer soon.
So it is a shame
That no answer came.
Perhaps we will always wonder
Where the lightning
Starts being frightening.
Part of it must come from the thunder.
But my little brain
Is in awful pain
And my tummy is in greater.
I was thinking, how
'Bout the hunny now,
And we'll solve the riddle later?


Rabbit's Garden Party

Dear Kanga,
I do love a good rain. It makes everything so fresh and alive, particularly my vegetables. I swear they've grown an inch overnight. In fact, some of them are now ready to be plucked. What would you say to a delightful soiree? I know you're someone who appreciates the value of well-nurtured plant life. Roo may come too, of course. I have a hunch Tigger will be bounding in at some point; he always finds a way to disrupt the calmest moments. Perhaps if Roo is on hand the two of them can go off gallavanting together and leave my garden in peace. If you like, you might bring by your recipe for carrot cake. I've been wanting to try it for quite some time.

Tigger Tries to Initiate a Game of Poohsticks

Hey there, Donkey Boy! You know, the sky's as grey today as you are! I was wonderin' if you might be up for that rematch you've been promisin' me. I'm s'posed to be the athleticky one around here. How come you're so much better than me at tossin' sticks? Anyhoo, today I found a whole bunch of sticks layin' around every whichyway, and they'd be perfect for a Poohsticks tournament. Whaddya say?

The Sorry State of Eeyore's House

Hello there, Owl. I don't know why I'm writing because I don't suppose you care, but It seems in all the howling and blowing last night, my house got up and walked away from me. I think it did it just so I'd wake up with cold ears. It's nowhere to be found, and when a house is so disloyal it abandons you in the middle of a downpour, I'd say it's time for a new house. If it's no bother, which I'm sure it is, do you think you could do a quick survey over the trees and see if they have any branches to spare? Maybe some of them got tired of holding onto them so long and let a few drop, though not in a spot where a donkey could find them. I sure could use a roof before I catch pneumonia.

Piglet Discusses the Origin of Thunderstorms

Hallo Pooh! Did you hear that storm last night? I spent the whole night with my blanket up to my ears imagining the most unpleasant things outside my door, and I would have come running to your house if I weren't so afraid of what might happen on the way there. You know what happened the last time I went out on a blustery day. A blustery night could only be ten times worse! I think perhaps storms are caused by giant heffalumps spraying water at each other. I imagine that they're quite angry with one another, and when one of them gets squirted it stamps its feet, and that's where the thunder comes from. I haven't figured out the lightning yet. I know you say you're a bear of little brains, but I bet you would have an idea. The storm is over and the fear has passed for now, but I'm left with this puzzle. There's a jar of hunny in it for you if you find the solution!

Hundred Acre Missives

Most folks who get to know me will quickly learn that I am a great devotee of Winnie-the-Pooh. The following will be a correspondence amongst various members of the Hundred-Acre Wood (with a little help from Christopher Robin, as most of its inhabitants are not known for their literary prowess). Here's hoping for some fun!