Hundred Acre Missives

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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Roo Appeals to Eeyore

Hiya, Eeyore! How ya doin'? I was bouncing around the woods yesterday with my bestest buddy Tigger, and he told me a story about cowboys. It sure was exciting! These guys ride around all day on horses and wear funny hats and try to throw ropes around cows. I know we don't have any cows around here, but I thought maybe if you would pretend to be a horse then we could pretend the heffalumps were cows and try to catch them. They do exist, right? Well, maybe it's better if they don't. I don't know if I'm brave enough to actually go after a Heffalump - but don't tell Tigger! Anyway, I could ride around the Hundred-Acre Wood on your back and look for things to throw my rope at. Wouldn't that be fun? Can I, Eeyore? Please? Pretty please?

P.S. Please don't tell Mama about this...


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